Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong and New Orleans Creole Gumbo

Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong and  New Orleans Creole Gumbo New Orleans Creole gumbo recipes below in traditional and vegan forms Today I going to kill to birds with one stone: I am doing a black hist...

Read : Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong and New Orleans Creole Gumbo

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Satchmo's Mom Mayann Could Cook

Satchmo's Mom Mayann Could Cook A New Orleans “Cubie Yon” as jazz great Louie Armstrong called his mom’s tomato based fish stew; recipe below The grandson of a slave,...

Read : Satchmo's Mom Mayann Could Cook

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Adam Clayton Powell Jr and His Southern Culinary Roots

Adam Clayton Powell Jr and His Southern Culinary Roots Photo: codfish cakes (recipe below), black beans, home fries, and a salad Adam Clayton Powell Jr. became the first African American to...

Read : Adam Clayton Powell Jr and His Southern Culinary Roots

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

Langston Hughes on Food in Lodging in the Jim Crow South

Langston Hughes on Food in Lodging in the Jim Crow South In celebration of black history month, I will be posting stories on food and history. I have a lot of sources that I found in doing research...

Read : Langston Hughes on Food in Lodging in the Jim Crow South

Senin, 01 Februari 2010

Before the 1960 Student Sit-in Movement in Greensboro, North Carolina

Before the 1960 Student Sit-in Movement in Greensboro, North Carolina Photo: North Carolina A & T students who started the student sit-in movement in 1960 On February 1, 1960, 50 years ago today, students E...

Read : Before the 1960 Student Sit-in Movement in Greensboro, North Carolina

Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Feeding the Revolution: The Spanish American War Part 4

Feeding the Revolution: The Spanish American War Part 4 Photo: Cuban Mango Bread, recipe below Been talking about the role of food in the Cuban War for Independence 1895-1898. Revolutionaries had...

Read : Feeding the Revolution: The Spanish American War Part 4