Frying fish, recipe below
Been reflecting the culinary meaning of July from sources I uncovered while doing research for my book Hog and Hominy. “The summer picnic fish fry in the clearing by the pond was the biggest outdoor event of the year,” in 1920s and 1930s Stamps Arkansas writes Maya Angelou. “Everyone was there. Sometimes political clubs, civic organizations or churches organized them as fund raisers. At other times they served as part of a church home coming event or a family reunion. As simply a community event, all churches were represented, as well as the social groups (Elks, Eastern Star, Masons, Knights of Columbus, Daughters of Pythias),” African American professionals, and tons of children," recalls Angelou. Fish fries also included music sometimes played on make shift instruments such as “cigar-box guitars, harmonicas, juice harps, combs wrapped in tissue paper and even bathtub basses.” But the feature attraction of course was well seasoned fried fish in abundance. A fish fry also included barbecued pit “chickens and spareribs sputter[ing] in their own fat and a sauce whose recipes was guarded in the family like a scandalous affair,” says Angelou. More on fish fry foods tomorrow. Here is a recipe for the basics of frying a fish good fashion.
Fried fish and hush puppy recipe: http://find.myrecipes.com/recipes/recipefinder.dyn?action=displayRecipe&recipe_id=346878
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