Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

The Popularity of Tamales Then and Now

This photo is a young Mexican woman finishing off a plantain leaf wrapped tamale at Café Popular in Mexico City’s historic district at about 9:00 pm. Café Popular is an old time family dinner that over the years expanded to a second larger location right next door. I took this photo in the smaller original location.

The diary of fourteen year old Mariana Calderón y Oliveira provides important insights about cooking and eating in sixteenth century Mexico City. Elite Mexico City families like Mariana’s generally used Indian, Spanish commoners, and casta (people of mixed heritage) wage laborers to perform domestic chores like cooking. In the 1690s, Mexico City cooks prepared various types of corn tamales. At first Indians loathed the pork fat that Iberians enjoyed so much; later they incorporated them into their cuisine when they learned that using them in tamale batter improved the tamale’s texture. Typically they served these tamales with chilly salsa too hot for the average new comer from Spain. But the children of the first Iberian settlers such as Mariana grew accustomed to eating foods like tamales served with spicy hot salsa.

Plantain leaf tamale recipe: http://www.saveur.com/article/food/Guatemalan-Tamales-with-Ancho-Chile-Sauce

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