Kamis, 03 September 2009

Remembering Costa Soda

Photo of Costa Beverage Sign, location unknown

It’s amazing what you remember about your childhood. Memories of Costa sodas are another part of Rosario’s corner store that is fresh in my mind. Across from the registrar and the Good Humor ice cream freezer Rosario’s had Costa Cola refrigerator. Costa’s marketing department came up with a savvy idea. “Under the bottle cap you could win $. When you won, the soda was free! A great bonus after playing baseball or basketball at JFK on a hot day” remembered classmate Dave Perri. The gimmick worked because after buying a soda I immediately twisted off the top and peeled off the rubber insert under the cap looking to see if I won a free soda! I was cream and root beer guy, but they also had cola and orange flavor I believe. I tried to find some history on the Costa Beverage Company but came up with some information. First a Camp WoodCliff Alumni website in which former campers recalled, “Receiving canteen and 35 cents for the soda machine. Costa brand if I remember correctly.”(http://www.jlfurniture.com/camp_woodcliff.html) A blogger and Native of Newburgh, NY, up the Hudson River from Croton, writes, “If you lived in the Northeast from the 1950s through the ’80s, you probably came across a regional variety of brews called Costa Sodas, with that simple but distinctive logo. Costa Beverages was based in Newburgh, NY, and kept chugging for decades until shutting down in 1988.” The photo in this post is from the following website: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.populationstatistic.com/images/costabevsign_newburghwashst.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.populationstatistic.com/archives/2006/05/14/&usg=__r3RyxxtSi4XwPjARLRV8AJyis5s=&h=299&w=455&sz=28&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=SkEC3guTH29dYM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcosta%2Bsoda%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DG

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