Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Series on An Historical and Culinary Look at Christmas

Photo: Bowl of Turkey Soup. Below is a link to a host of recipes for leftover Thanksgiving turkey.

As with many other ethnic groups, Christmas for African Americans has traditionally been a very special holiday centered on an abundance of rich food. What is interesting is how enslaved Africans in North America and the Caribbean appropriated the tradition of celebrating English holidays like Christmas for their own special occasions. They “greatly plundered” their masters’ supplies of “poultry,” for holiday meals. A nineteenth-century diary entry describes how one slave brought a turkey, another bought a pie and pudding or tartlet, and a third bought French preserves. As I did with Thanksgiving, from now until December 25, I am going to provide photos, history, and recipes from my research on African American foodways (traditions, habits, and culinary customs adapted) related to Christmas and food. By the way I cooked my first turkey using a recipe that called for brining my 99 cent per pound Costco bird. Brining reduced the cooking time to about 2 hours and the well seasoned meat from the brining turned out moist and practically melted in your mouth, so my wife and guest told me. Like everything else there is wide range of what you can pay for a turkey. For example, I saw a person selling free range turkeys at a Farmers Market for $5.00 per pound. I also hear of place who had lines of people waiting to buy $100 cooked jerked turkeys. My Costco brined turkey is another example of a recession buster. And because we have a bunch leftover, let me recommend some recipes for leftover turkey. Happy Holiday and hit the gym.

Turkey Leftover Recipes:

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