Senin, 08 Februari 2010

New Orleans Red Beans and Rice

Like a lot of poor African American women in New Orleans and other parts of the early 20th century south, Louis Armstrong’s mother, in his words, worked hard as a domestic in “white folk’s yards, washing, ironing and taking care of the white kids,” to feed her family. He proudly remembers how is mother Mayann “could work miracles” at the grocery stores on Rampart Street in Uptown New Orleans; she carefully strategize how to stretch what little she earned as a domestic and feed her family well. “She went to Zatteran’s grocery, and bought a pound of red beans, a pound of rice, a big slice of fat back [salt pork bacon that contained more fat than meat] and a big red onion,” recalls Satchmo. “At Stahle’s bakery she got two loaves of stale bread for a nickel. She boiled this jive down to a gravy, and I’ll tell you that when we came we would smell her pot almost a block away. Mayann could really cook.” Armstrong goes on to say, after “two encores” of red beans and rice, “I had to get up from the table for fear I would hurt myself.” My mother just stood by and watched us with pride. She loved to see us eat a lot. Here are recipes for New Orleans red beans in rice in honor of Louie Armstrong’s Mother Mary “Mayann” Albert (1886–1942) and the Who Dat’s Super Bowl victory.

Traditional New Orleans Red Beans and Rice recipe:

Vegan New Orleans Red Beans and Rice recipe:

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