Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Food and Get Out The Vote Strategies in Chicago

Brown betty, a simple but delicious hot apple breakfast dish, recipes below

As mentioned in an earlier post, during the Depression, many African Americans historically loyal to the Republican Party of Lincoln, became registered Democratic voters. In Depression era Chicago for example, Democratic Ward leaders announced that if African American wanted the Federal National Relief Agency (NRA) programs to continue to feed them, they had to vote Democratic. The strategy proved effective as the slogan “Let Jesus lead you and Roosevelt feed you” became popular on the South side of Chicago. Other campaign slogans said, “If Lincoln were alive today, he’d be a Democrat.” The slogan “Do not bite the hand that feeds you,” made it’s point with hungry voters in Chicago. NRA relief included disturbing food staples like lard, flour, and sugar. Here’s one of my favorite recipes for Brown Betty which is easy to make with sliced apples, cinnamon (I had Jamaican All Spice and cloves) and plenty of sugar as a sweetener. This is a great tasting breakfast meal on a cold fall morning like we have today in New England; it will also make your house smell wonderful. My children love it!

Traditional brown betty recipe:

Crockpot brown betty recipe:

Vegan brown betty recipe:

Brown betty tart recipe:

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